About the Program

Hello there!

Welcome to Writer's Block Unblocked.

My name is Stephanie and I will be guiding you through this program. As a published author and poet, I can't wait to share my philosophies around writing and creativity to help you on your journey as a writer.

Writer's block is truly a portal. And that's not some click-baity statement.

So much is being communicated when we experience resistance.

It's just a matter of how to work with it and listen.

This program is designed to give you the tools and resources to shift from resistance to fertility.

In this program, you will see a series of video modules and somatic writing workbooks. This program is meant to be an embodiment practice, so please complete it in its entirety to achieve your desired results.

The body holds so many stories, so you will see many movement, sensory, somatic-based activities -- probably more than writing prompts.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them in the module comments section.

I can't wait to see you in the next module and on the blank page!


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